Microsoft Defender for Storage – Two new alerts


The preview alert that detected this was called “Anonymous scan of public storage containers”. To provide greater clarity about the suspicious events discovered, we’ve divided this into two new alerts. These alerts are relevant to Azure Blob Storage only.

Microsoft has improved the detection logic, updated the alert metadata, and changed the alert name and alert type.

Alert (alert type)DescriptionMITRE tacticSeverity
Publicly accessible storage containers successfully discovered
A successful discovery of publicly open storage container(s) in your storage account was performed in the last hour by a scanning script or tool.

This usually indicates a reconnaissance attack, where the threat actor tries to list blobs by guessing container names, in the hope of finding misconfigured open storage containers with sensitive data in them.

The threat actor may use their own script or use known scanning tools like Microburst to scan for publicly open containers.

✔ Azure Blob Storage
✖ Azure Files
✖ Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Publicly accessible storage containers unsuccessfully scanned
A series of failed attempts to scan for publicly open storage containers were performed in the last hour.

This usually indicates a reconnaissance attack, where the threat actor tries to list blobs by guessing container names, in the hope of finding misconfigured open storage containers with sensitive data in them.

The threat actor may use their own script or use known scanning tools like Microburst to scan for publicly open containers.

✔ Azure Blob Storage
✖ Azure Files
✖ Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2


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