Catégorie : Microsoft

Conférence – Azure Security Overview

Salut !

Dans le cadre du meetup de la communauté Azure Québec, j’ai pu présenter un overview des principales fonctionnalités de Sécurité (Compliance, Azure Network Security, Azure Key Vault, Azure WAF, Azure Security Center & Azure SIEM) de la plateforme Azure.


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Demo : AzureKeyVaultDemo

Un grand merci à Microsoft Québec pour l’accueil ainsi qu’a l’ensemble des participants 🙂 !

Global DevOps BootCamp – Quebec City !

Salut !

J’ai eu l’opportunité d’être « proctor » durant la première édition mondiale du Global DevOps BootCamp.

On June 17th we’re organizing the first Global DevOps Bootcamp! With local events happening all over the world we create a global event where communities passionate about DevOps on the Microsoft stack can come together, learn about the latest trends and share their experiences.


L’édition de Québec City était fièrement représentée :

Le workshop de cette journée avait comme objectif de migrer une application vers le cloud, ceci jusqu’à la rendre complètement « serverless ».

Challenge #1 – Moving to the cloud

Musicamente currently hosts their application on-premises. They face all kinds of issues with performance, availability and support. Together with the architect the decision has been made to move to the Azure cloud.

Challenge #2 – Moving to containers

The management of Musicamente has just visited a Gartner conference. They learned about cloud tehcnology and came to the conclusion that running a website on PaaS (Azure WebApp) might result in a vendor lock-in. For the website they want to be able to be cloud-agnostic and switch between different clouds or even back to on-premises.

After investigation of the team the decision is made to run the Web Application in a Docker container.

In this challenge, you will move the web site to a Docker container. After you have created and tested the image locally, you will set up an Azure Container Registry and use the build pipeline to build and publish the image to this registry. Finally you will publish the container to an already created Azure Container Service cluster using the Kubernetes user interface.

When you succesfully completed the challenge, your Azure Website runs in a Docker container on a cluster, that uses SQL Azure.

Challenge #3 – Moving to serverless

Musicamente wants to make the User Experience better by sending SMS verification after checking out the shopping cart. At this moment there is no capacity of hsoting a service like this in-house. Important requirement from the business is that they only want to pay for this feature if it is really used.

After some investigation, an Azure Function can do the trick to fulfill this requirement

In this challenge, you will create a new Azure Serverless Function, and make this a part of your application. The function should take care of sending a Mail or SMS (look at Twilio) confirmation after you have placed an order. First you will write a simple Azure Function that you will expose publicly. Then you will create an ARM template to create the neccessary resources and publish the function from the pipeline. Update your website or service (or both) to use this Azure Function and publish the update with the pipelines.

Ci-dessous l’ensemble des sources des challenges :

Un grand merci, aux différents organisateurs, proctors ainsi qu’à nos sponsors (Cofomo, Subway, Microsoft, Xpirit) ainsi qu’à l’ensemble de nos participants :).