Catégorie : Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Microsoft Azure Stack – Technical Paper

Hi !

Today, I would like to share with you an exellent paper written by Florent Appointer MVP (Cloud and Datacenter Management) .

Azure Stack extends the Azure vision by bringing the cloud model of computing to every datacenter. Azure Stack is a new hybrid cloud platform product that enables organizations to deliver Azure services from their own datacenter in a way that is consistent with Azure.

Organizations can create these Azure services from datacenter resources – enabling developers and IT professionals to quickly provision and scale services using the same self-service experience found in Azure. This all adds up to an environment in which application developers can maximize their productivity using a ‘write once, deploy to Azure or Azure Stack’ approach, because the Azure APIs are consistent regardless of where the resources are provisioned – Azure Stack is simply an extension of Azure.

Here’s a simplified view of the Azure Stack architecture.

azure-stack-architectureThis paper should focus on how you can deploy an Azure Stack Lab Technical Preview 1, with all installation steps.

Thanks Florent and good reading !