Auteur/autrice : zigmax

Defender for Containers can now scan for vulnerabilities in Windows images


Defender for Container’s image scan now supports Windows images that are hosted in Azure Container Registry. This feature is free while in preview, and will incur a cost when it becomes generally available.

Findings details pane.

I previously written an article in French to explain you how you can leverage Microsoft Defender to scan your Linux container images.


New alert for Microsoft Defender for Storage


To expand the threat protections provided by Microsoft Defender for Storage, Microsoft added a new preview alert.

Alert (alert type)DescriptionMITRE tacticSeverity
PREVIEW – Access from a suspicious application
Indicates that a suspicious application has successfully accessed a container of a storage account with authentication.
This might indicate that an attacker has obtained the credentials necessary to access the account, and is exploiting it. This could also be an indication of a penetration test carried out in your organization.
Applies to: Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Initial AccessMedium


Storage | Scanning Azure Blob Storage


In this article, I will show you how you can scan an Azure Blob to identity potential public storage containers. By default when you create a new container, you have 3 options to define the public level access:

  • Private: No public access to this container (default configuration).
  • Blob: Public access is permitted to this container and its blobs.
  • Container: Public access is permitted to blobs in this container, but not to the container itself.

To leverage this attack, we will use a function including in the MicroBurst tool.

Invoke-EnumerateAzureBlobs -Base yourcompanyname

In this example, I will use an additional containerlist file with some folders examples (dev, non, prod, devprod, ….)

Invoke-EnumerateAzureBlobs -Base zigmaxlab -Folders .\containerlist.txt
