Auteur/autrice : zigmax

Cyber Tech & Risk | Security Controls in the Public Cloud


Few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to give a talk about Security Controls in the Public Cloud for Cyber Tech & Risk.

Cyber Tech & Risk is the platform for people who care about technology, risk, and security to get fresh ideas, learn the latest skills, identify new opportunities, advance career development, and expand business/professional networks. Visit here to discover more:

In this presentation, we will see together the different types of security controls, and how we can apply them in the public cloud. This session will be illustrated with a series of examples for Azure, AWS, and GCP.


AKS | Suppress alerts based on Container and Kubernetes entities


You can now suppress alerts based on these Kubernetes entities so you can use the container environment details to align your alerts your organization’s policy and stop receiving unwanted alerts:

  • Container Image
  • Container Registry
  • Kubernetes Namespace
  • Kubernetes Pod
  • Kubernetes Service
  • Kubernetes Secret
  • Kubernetes ServiceAccount
  • Kubernetes Deployment
  • Kubernetes ReplicaSet
  • Kubernetes StatefulSet
  • Kubernetes DaemonSet
  • Kubernetes Job
  • Kubernetes CronJob

