Auteur/autrice : zigmax

Microsoft Ignite 2022, Seattle WA


I had the pleasure to be speaker at Microsoft Ignite 2022 in Seattle, WA! That was my first in-person conference since the Covid-19. This year the experience of Microsoft Ignite was different from what I have already seen during the previous editions. Lot of sessions were available in real-time online and in-person, I think that was a great idea for the people who can’t travel to Seattle.

During these two days of sessions, I had the pleasure to meet a great number of Microsoft MVP, Microsoft employees and attendees.

To give you an idea of the event, please find below a series of photos:


Storage Account | Permitted scope for copy operations


I will show a new storage account feature which can help you to prevent data breach. This feature will help you to restrict the copy operations at the storage account level.

Three options are available:

  • From any storage accounts (default value)
  • From storage accounts in the same Azure AD tenant
  • From storage accounts that have a private endpoint to the same virtual network

I will recommend you to protect all your storage account with a custom Azure Policy which uses the alias parameter: allowedCopyScope


Generate Alerts Samples for Containers plan


You can now create sample alerts also for Defender for Containers plan. The new sample alerts are presented as being from AKS, Arc-connected clusters, EKS, and GKE resources with different severities and MITRE tactics. You can use the sample alerts to validate security alert configurations, such as SIEM integrations, workflow automation, and email notifications.
