In this article, we will see a new feature of AKS : Node Pool Snapshot.
AKS releases a new node image weekly and every new cluster, new node pool, or upgrade cluster will always receive the latest image that can make it hard to maintain your environments consistent and to have repeatable environments.
Node pool snapshots allow you to take a configuration snapshot of your node pool and then create new node pools or new clusters based of that snapshot for as long as that configuration and kubernetes version is supported.
Take a Node Pool Snapshot:
NODEPOOL_ID=$(az aks nodepool show --name nodepool1 --cluster-name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --query id -o tsv) az aks snapshot create --name MySnapshot --resource-group MyResourceGroup --nodepool-id $NODEPOOL_ID --location eastus
Create a Node Pool from a Snapshot:
SNAPSHOT_ID=$(az aks snapshot show --name MySnapshot --resource-group myResourceGroup --query id -o tsv) az aks nodepool add --name np2 --cluster-name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --snapshot-id $SNAPSHOT_ID
Upgrading a Node Pool from a Snapshot:
SNAPSHOT_ID=$(az aks snapshot show --name MySnapshot --resource-group myResourceGroup --query id -o tsv) az aks nodepool upgrade --name nodepool1 --cluster-name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --snapshot-id $SNAPSHOT_ID
Create a cluster from a Snapshot:
SNAPSHOT_ID=$(az aks snapshot show --name MySnapshot --resource-group myResourceGroup --query id -o tsv) az aks create --name myAKSCluster2 --resource-group myResourceGroup --snapshot-id $SNAPSHOT_ID